
Entry #1
Pronunciation: daai6 kwan2 sik6 sai3 kwan2
Character Meaning:
big; to grow up; to intimidate; to bluff; intensely; greatly; fully; on a large scale; university; large; old in age; older; senior; number two
germ; bacteria
to eat; to take (medicine); to suffer; to conquer; to control
small; tiny; little; young; youthful; weak; soft; junior
germ; bacteria
Part of Speech: expression
you won't get sick from eating slightly unclean food; literally: big bacteria eat small bacteria
(Cant.) daai6kwan2sik6sai3kwan2sai3kwan2dong3bou2ban2
(Eng.) God made dirt, and dirt don't hurt! (literally 'big bacteria eat small bacteria, and small bacteria are good for your health')
(Cant.) dit3zo2lok6dei2ze1mai6zap1faan1lai4sik6lo1m4使sai2geng1ge3daai6kwan2sik6sai3kwan2aa1maa3
(Eng.) It fell on the floor, but no worries - just pick it up and eat it! The five-second rule applies!
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