
Entry #1
Pronunciation: aat3 lik6
Character Meaning:
to press; to crush; to intimidate
strength; powerfully; forcefully; strongly; physical strength; effort; force
Part of Speech: noun
  • pressure (measure word: 股)

  • psychological pressure; stress (measure word: 股)
    (Cant.) nei5jau5aat3lik6ngo5jau5aat3lik6
    (Eng.) We're all stressed (literally 'You are stressed; I am stressed').
    (Cant.) hai5gam3do1jan4min6cin4gong2je5hou2daai6aat3lik6gaa3wo3
    (Eng.) It's stressful to deliver a speech in front of so many people.

See also: 加壓 強調 突顯 突出 不可抗力 危機感 受力 影響力 推動力 無力感 迫力 通力 阻力 離心力 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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