
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ham1 jyu4
Character Meaning:
really; being worthy of; cannot endure
to worry; to predict; to guess; to deceive
Part of Speech: adjective
worrisome; disconcerting; a matter of concern; usually used to highlight potentially bad or even disasterous outcomes without being too explicit
(Cant.) hau6gwo2ham1jyu4
(Eng.) unthinkable consequences
(Cant.) cin4ging2ham1jyu4
(Eng.) worrisome future
(Cant.) sing3ming6ham1jyu4
(Eng.) Life is at risk.
(Cant.) fu1cai1gwaan1hai6ho2wai6ham1jyu4
(Eng.) The relationship between the married couple leaves much to be desired.
See also: 不堪設想 危在旦夕 堪憂 岌岌可危 後患無窮 急轉直下 晚節不保 束手待斃 每況愈下 雪上加霜 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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