
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zap1 bat1
Character Meaning:
pick up; a small bundle of; a pinch; to hold; to grasp; to take charge of; to direct; to perform; to carry out; to persist; to pick up; to tidy; to neaten; to correct; to revise; to close down
pen; pencil; writing brush; writing instrument; sum; amount of money; to spoon; to scoop; to ladle
Part of Speech: verb
(literally to pick up a pen) to write; to do writing; to author
(Cant.) 執筆忘字
(Eng.) to forget how to write a character when one writes
(Cant.) 呢本小説係佢親自執筆。
(Eng.) This fiction is written by him in person.
See also: 創作 作 作曲 下筆 動筆 撒手人寰 春暖花開 江郎才盡 無獨有偶 脱稿 腹稿 舞文弄墨 落筆 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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