
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zoi6 zo6
Character Meaning:
to be present; to exist; at; to depend on; to rest with
seat; a place to sit; to be located; base; stand; holder
Part of Speech: pronoun
everyone present at a gathering, e.g. a meeting, a banquet, a class, a party or an assembly; people in attendance
(Cant.) cing2zoi6zo6gok3wai2gin3zing3
(Eng.) We ask those present to serve as witnesses.
(Cant.) ngo5hai6waa6zoi6zo6gok3wai2dou1hai6laap6saap3
(Eng.) I mean, all of you are rubbish.
(Cant.) dai6jat1ci3heoi3hoi1wui2hou2geng1hou2zi6bei1jan1wai6zoi6zo6dou1hai6zyun1gaa1
(Eng.) I feel scared and abased to attend my first meeting, because all the other attendants are experts.
Synonym: Synonym: 在席
See also: 七嘴八舌 不請自來 大喜過望 感激流涕 敬陪末座 異口同聲 素昧平生 肅然起敬 金石良言 面面相覷 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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