
Entry #1
Pronunciation: wai4 lou4
Character Meaning:
to surround; big circular table; walled village; to encircle
a stove; a furnace
Part of Speech: verb
literally "to stay around the fireplace with family and friends, usually having hotpot or barbecue"; usually used to refer to a group of people who form exclusive small cliques and ignore other people (especially their criticisms)
(Cant.) 圍爐取暖wai4 lou4 ceoi2 nyun5
(Eng.) to keep warm by surrounding the stove together
(Cant.) dung1tin1ge3si4hau6zeoi3zung1ji3tung4uk1kei2jan4wai4lou4hoi1daai6caan1
(Eng.) There's nothing I like better in the winter than to sit around the stove with my family for a hot, hearty meal.
(Cant.) gam2joeng2hai2mong5soeng6wai4lou4mou5ji3si1gaa3wo3teng1lai4teng1heoi3dou1zi2hai6zi6gei2jan4ge3nam2faat3
(Eng.) Forming exclusive groups online gets you nowhere; you would only hear comments from people who agree with you.
See also: 井底之蛙 取暖 同聲同氣 嘈嘈閉 孤芳自賞 打飛機 自己友 自我感覺良好 鍵盤戰士 食花生 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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