
Entry #1
Pronunciation: wai4 au2
Character Meaning:
to surround; big circular table; walled village; to encircle
to hit; to beat up; to hit ruthlessly; to become; to grow
Part of Speech: verb
to surround somebody with a group of people and beat him/her up
(Cant.) jat1ming4naam4zi2ng5je6hai2gaai1tau4bei2jan4wai4au2
(Eng.) A man was beaten up by a gang on the streets at midnight.
See also: 制伏 扑頭 拳打腳踢 施襲 毆打 毒打 箍頸 群毆 追打 頭破血流 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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