yue:#珠江三角洲 一帶#水上人 喺婚嫁(生禮)同喪禮(死禮)場合嘆唱嘅歌曲(量詞:首/隻)
eng:song that boat people in the Pearl River Delta sing at weddings or funerals
yue:香港越來越少漁民,嘆歌可能會喺香港失傳。 (hoeng1 gong2 jyut6 lai4 jyut6 siu2 jyu4 man4, taan3 go1 ho2 nang4 wui5 hai2 hoeng1 gong2 sat1 cyun4.)
eng:With the decreasing number of fishermen in Hong Kong, those boat-people songs may fail to be passed down.