
Entry #1
Pronunciation: go2 tau4
Character Meaning:
that; those
head; leader; chief; boss; first; number one; top; hairstyle; hair; area; location; end; side
Part of Speech: pronoun
  • that area
    (Cant.) nei5heoi3dou3go2tau4zau6wui5gin3dou2ngo5gong2go2gaan1faat3jing4uk1
    (Eng.) When you go to that area, you will see the salon that I mentioned.

  • a while back; used with 呢頭 to highlight a recent, abrupt change
    (Cant.) go2tau4go3go3waa6jiu3zang1ceoi2man4zyu2ni1tau4zau6teoi1geoi2go3zi1ci4duk6coi4ge3jan4
    (Eng.) A while back everyone says they want democracy. Now they endorse a supporter of dictatorship.

  • figuratively, death
    (Cant.) 嗰頭近go2 tau4 kan5
    (Eng.) dying soon

See also: 前一排
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