
Entry #1
Pronunciation: daan1 san1
Character Meaning:
thin; alone; only; bill; receipt; order; transaction; single, alone; list; document; sheet of cloth; single; one; (maths.) odd
body; count; life; oneself; point of view
Part of Speech: adjective
single; unmarried; usually referring to person without a romantic interest
(Cant.) wai4ci4daan1san1
(Eng.) to remain single
(Cant.) keoi5gam3do1nin4dou1hai6daan1san1
(Eng.) He's been single for years.
See also: 單曲 單一 單元 單程 王老五 獨身 未婚 另一半 奉子成婚 孤男寡女 家庭主婦 小鳥依人 無兒無女 生兒育女 異性戀 適婚 雙性戀 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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