
Entry #1
Pronunciation: soeng1 jip6
Character Meaning:
trade; quotient; Shang Dynasty; commerce; business; merchant; trader; to discuss
business; line of business; industry; occupation; profession; employment; property; belonging; (Buddhism) karma
Part of Speech: noun
commercial sector; business
(Cant.) soeng1jip6lei6jik1
(Eng.) commercial interests
(Cant.) soeng1jip6zeoi6on3
(Eng.) crime in the professional or commercial sector
(Cant.) soeng1jip6gei1mat6
(Eng.) trade secret
(Cant.) soeng1jip6keoi1
(Eng.) commercial zone
(Cant.) zan3hing1bun2dei6soeng1jip6
(Eng.) to promote domestic commerce
See also: 生意 商務 買賣 事幹 勾當 忙碌 繁忙 共享經濟 商埠 商行 商貿 市場價 市場機制 歇業 獨資 肄業 輕工業 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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