
Entry #1
Pronunciation: m4 goi1
Character Meaning:
should; ought to; must; supposedly; probably; that; that particular; the aforementioned
Part of Speech: expression
  • thanks; thank you; usually used when receiving something unsurprising
    (Cant.) m4goi1saai3nei5aa3
    (Eng.) Thank you very much!
    (Cant.) soeng6ci3ngo5baai3tok3nei5zou6go2di1je5m4goi1saai3aa3
    (Eng.) Thank you for helping me with my request last time!

  • excuse me; pardon me
    (Cant.) m4goi1nei5zi1m4zi1dim2heoi3saan1deng2aa3
    (Eng.) Excuse me, do you know how can I go to the Peak?

  • used to make a request more polite; please
    (Cant.) m4goi1ngo5soeng2jiu3bui1gaa3fe1
    (Eng.) I want to have a cup of coffee, please.

  • used to express annoyance or to make a demand
    (Cant.) m4goi1nei5sau1seng1laa3
    (Eng.) Please shut up!

Synonym: Synonym: 勞煩
See also: 托賴 憑藉 一日 謝謝 thank you 借歪 對不起 借問聲 請問 對唔住 仲好講 先好 咪話 唔好意思 唔忿氣 好啦 好聲好氣 對唔住 屌你老母 算啦 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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