
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gou3 gap1
Character Meaning:
tell; sue; to tell; to state; to inform; to sue; to complain; to report
urgent; hurry; pressing; fast; rapid; violent; strong
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: verb
to be in a state of emergency and in need of immediate help
(Cant.) cin4sin3gou3gap1
(Eng.) The front lines are calling for emergency help
(Cant.) syun2cing4gou3gap1daai6gaa1gei3zyu6jiu3tau4piu3
(Eng.) We are in urgent need of more votes, please come and vote for us!
See also: 全軍覆沒 兵敗如山倒 十萬火急 大獲全勝 急轉直下 有備無患 棄暗投明 氣勢如虹 江湖救急 鳴金收兵 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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