
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ceoi1 seoi2
Character Meaning:
blow; (of wind) to blow; to talk bullshit; to bluff; to drink up; to smoke opium
water; soup; beverage; liquids in general; body of water
Part of Speech: verb
  • to chitchat; to gab; literally: to blow water
    (Cant.) keoi5sing4jat6gwaa3zyu6tung4tung4si6ceoi1seoi2gang2hai6bei2jan4caau2laa1
    (Eng.) He's always chitchatting with his colleagues; no wonder he was fired.
    (Cant.) baan1neoi5zai2ji5ging1ceoi1zo2sing4go3zung1seoi2
    (Eng.) The girls have been chitchatting for an hour already.

  • to talk nonsense; to say something that is false or that one is not sure about
    (Cant.) keoi5jat1fan1zung1tan1dou2jat1go3hon3bou2baau1zan1ding6gaa2aa3m4hou2ceoi1seoi2wo3
    (Eng.) He swallowed a hamburger whole in one minute? You've got to be kidding me.

  • to talk of actions without the intention to fulfill; to make false promises
    (Cant.) keoi5sing4jat6ceoi1seoi2gaa3seon3keoi5jat1sing4dou1sei2aa3
    (Eng.) Don't believe anything he says; he's always making exaggerated claims.
    (Cant.) keoi5ceoi1seoi2waa6saam1nin4noi6wui5maai5dou2lau2daan6hai6ji4gaa1keoi5lin4saam1maan6zik1cuk1dou1mou5lo1
    (Eng.) He said that he would buy an apartment in three years, but he doesn't even have 30 thousand dollars in the bank right now.

See also: di4 di4 de4 de4 嗲幾句 談天 閒聊 傾計 傾閒計 吹喇叭 嘻嘻哈哈 打情罵俏 談天説地 豬朋狗友 酒肉朋友 閒話家常 高談闊論 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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