
Entry #1
Pronunciation: caau2 ji5
Character Meaning:
noisy; to quarrel; to row; to wrangle
ear; handle
Part of Speech: adjective
Labels: Mandarin
noisy; to describe a sound as disturbing or annoying, because it is too loud or unpleasant to hear etc.
(Chi.) taa1jat1zik6lou4lou4dou1dou1zan1dik1han2caau2ji5
(Cant.) keoi5jat1lou6ji4ji1ngo4ngo4zan1hai6hou2cou4
(Eng.) She is really noisy when she keeps on babbling.
Synonym: Synonym: 刺耳
See also: 亮 吵 吵鬧 不堪入耳 刺耳 吱吱喳喳 嗲聲嗲氣 嘈嘈閉 悦耳 擾人清夢 空耳 耳根清淨 靡靡之音 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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