
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hoeng3 cin2 hon3
Character Meaning:
towards; facing a direction; -oriented
money; cash; banknotes and coins
to see; keep an eye on; to catch sight of; to call on; to visit; to think; to consider; to keep an eye on; to watch; to look after
Part of Speech: verb
to consider money as the most important factor
(Cant.) keoi5sai3go3hou2kung4daai6zo2zing6hai6hoeng3cin2hon3
(Eng.) He had a destitute childhood. He then considered money as the most important factor after growing up.
See also: 一朝天子一朝臣 作壁上觀 可憐天下父母心 唯利是圖 執輸行頭慘過敗家 目光短淺 笑貧不笑娼 見錢眼開 見風駛舵 跟紅頂白 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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