
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hap6 gaak3
Character Meaning:
close; suit; combine; to close; to combine; to join (efforts); to unite; to match; to suit; to be equal to; to be equivalent to
case; check; trellis; standard; format; to compete; to fight; to contest; character; personality; to count boxes
Part of Speech: verb
to pass a test or exam; to be qualified; to attain a certain standard
(Cant.) gam1ci3haau2si5zung1jyu1hap6gaak3laa3
(Eng.) I finally passed my exams.
(Cant.) ni1faai3ngau4paa2m4hap6gaak3di1juk6zung6hai6bing1dung3ge2
(Eng.) This piece of steak is not up to standard. It's still ice cold in the inside!
Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 肥佬
See also: 勝任 出閘 外圍賽 中規中矩 勉勉強強 及格 品級 差強人意 模擬考試 物有所值 稱心滿意 超額完成 馬馬虎虎 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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