
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ho2 gin3
Character Meaning:
can, may; can; may; to be able to; -able; right?
to meet; to see; to experience; to feel; to consider; to regard
Part of Speech: adverb
one can see that; literally: it is obvious that
(Cant.) jau4ci2ho2gin3
(Eng.) hence it can be seen that
(Cant.) keoi5lo2dou2gam2ge3sing4zik1ho2gin3keoi5ping4jat6jat1ding6hou2jung6gung1
(Eng.) Given such results, it's obvious that he studies hard.
See also: 事實上 俯拾皆是 再者 可想而知 所見 換言之 然而 觀乎 足見 顯而易見 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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