
Entry #1
Pronunciation: faan2 zyun3
Character Meaning:
the reverse side; to oppose; to turn over; in reverse; on the contrary; instead; to rebel against; tease, prank, play
to turn; to rotate; to switch; to change; round
Part of Speech: verb
to turn over; to reverse
(Cant.) faan2zyun3gin5saam1zoek3
(Eng.) to wear a clothing inside-out
(Cant.) daai6gaa1m4hou2faan2zyun3fan6si5gyun2zyu6
(Eng.) Please do not turn over the exam paper yet.
See also: 反 倒返轉 倒車 倒轉 扭轉 倒轉 反客為主 反肚 左右開弓 掉轉 改頭換面 翻轉 變面 轉插 轉死性 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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