
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hau5 mong6
Character Meaning:
thick; (of gift) large; generous
to look; full moon; hope; expectation; to gaze; to hope; to expect
Part of Speech: noun
great expectation
(Cant.) gei3jyu5hau5mong6
(Eng.) to have high expectation on someone
(Cant.) bat1fu6hau5mong6
(Eng.) live up to one's expectation
(Cant.) keoi5bat1fu6daai6gaa1ge3hau5mong6jeng4zo2gun3gwan1
(Eng.) We had high hopes for her, and she didn't let us down, winning the championship.
See also: 冀望 大喜過望 奢望 寄望 希冀 手下留情 明察秋毫 祈望 翹首以待 躊躇滿志 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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