
Entry #1
Pronunciation: faa3 gwat1 lung4
Character Meaning:
to melt; open-minded; enlightened; liberal; thorough; tolerant; to do makeup
quarter; one fourth; bone; the pleat
dragon; the goalpost; the goalkeeper; long queue
Part of Speech: noun
  • a legendary creature that looks exactly like a snakehead but with four legs, which is said to be deadly poisonous if mistakenly eaten as it can "dissolve one's bones"; literally "bone-dissolving dragon" (measure word: 條 / 隻)

  • child; dependant child; used to emphasise the hardship in bringing up the child(ren) (measure word: 隻 / 班)
    (Cant.) zek3faa3gwat1lung4zung6sai3go2zan2zau6mong6keoi5faai3di1daai6dou3keoi5zan1hai6daai6go3laak3jau6jau5di1m4se2dak1
    (Eng.) When the "bone-dissolving dragon" was still a kid, I wanted him to grow up faster; now that he is grown-up, and I miss that time.

See also: 屁孩 孩童 孩子 細蚊 小孩子 小不忍則亂大謀 水性楊花 燕瘦環肥 生龍活虎 疊羅漢 神龍見首不見尾 金木水火土 雙龍出海 鮑參翅肚 龍精虎猛 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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