
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gaa1 maa5
Character Meaning:
to add; short for Canada; to include; to put in; to append; to increase
Yard (yd); code; number; weight; casino chips
Part of Speech: verb
to raise the quantity
(Cant.) gam1jat6hoi1ci2gwok3gaa1deoi2jiu3gaa1maa5lin6zaap6
(Eng.) Starting from today the national team has to practice more often.
(Cant.) gung1si1kyut3ding6gaa1maa5tau4zi1fong4dei6caan2si5coeng4
(Eng.) The company has decided to increase investment in the real estate market.
See also: 加嘛 加底 加把勁 加把口 加注 加零一 推三推四 消費券 連本帶利 重施故技 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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