
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gaa1 jap6
Character Meaning:
to add; short for Canada; to include; to put in; to append; to increase
to enter; to go into; to be admitted into; to join; to participate; to buy; to stock up on; to conform to; to agree with
Part of Speech: verb
  • to join; to become a member of a group or organisation
    (Cant.) gaa1jap6zing3dong2
    (Eng.) to join a political party

  • to mix; to put in; to add; to a mixture of
    (Cant.) zoeng1saa1leot2zoeng3gaa1jap6san1sin1saang1coi3
    (Eng.) Add the salad dressing to fresh vegetables.

Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 退出
See also: 侵 置 增 加 添 混合 和 拌 揉合 攪拌 參 投入 參加 join 乘虛而入 加盟 另起爐灶 引入 引進 更上一層樓 發揮所長 脱穎而出 退出 開團 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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