
Entry #1
Pronunciation: fu3 zok3 jung6
Character Meaning:
deputy; a set of; assistant; vice; set; pack
write; fabricate; endeavour; product of work; to act; to do; to perform; to write; to compose; to lie; to make up
to use; to use up; usefulness; to enjoy; for a specific use
Part of Speech: noun
side effect, usually in a negative sense (measure word: 個 / 種 / 樣)
(Cant.) ni1zek3joek6fu3zok3jung6hou2ging6wui5sik6dou3ngo5tau4wan4sau2zan3
(Eng.) The side effects of this pill are too strong. It makes me dizzy and my hands tremble.
See also: 不良反應 中樞神經 中耳炎 偏頭痛 後遺症 心理作用 支氣管炎 胡蘿蔔素 薄血藥 類固醇 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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