
Entry #1
Pronunciation: fan1 bit6
Character Meaning:
to divide; component; mark; point; cent; penny; 0.1 dime; a unit of length; 1/8 inch; unit of land area; (geometry) minute; 1/60 of a degree; 0.01 tael; one-tenth; to split; to share; to distribute; to distinguish
do not; other; to separate; to part; difference; distinction; to distinguish; to distinct; (imperative) do not; don't; fastened
Part of Speech: adverb
respectively; separately
(Cant.) gei1coeng4seoi6dou6tung4coeng4cing1seoi6dou6soeng6nin2ping4gwan1mui5jat6lau4loeng6fan1bit6wai460,000luk6 maan6gaa3ci3tung483,000baat3 maan6 saam1 cin1gaa3ci3
(Eng.) Last year, the Airport Tunnel and the Cheung Tsing Tunnel had an average daily flow of 60,000 and 83,000 vehicles, respectively.
(Cant.) saa1tin4tung4daai6bou3fan1bit6hai2sam1je6faat3sang1gaau1tung1ji3ngoi6
(Eng.) Traffic accidents happened separately in Shatin and Tai Po in the wee hours of the night.
See also: 各自 各自各 各有各 分開 個別 另 尊敬 尊重 崇 分拆 分離 分家 隔 分野 區別 合而為一 大同小異 天壤之別 天淵之別 差別 平分秋色 截然不同 相差無幾 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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