
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ceot1 mun4
Character Meaning:
to go out; to come out; to issue; to publish; to produce; to grow; to appear; to offer; to give; to provide; to go beyond; to use; to bring out; to show
door; opening; school of thought; branch of study; methods, ways; gate; entrance
Part of Speech: verb
to leave home and go outside; to be away from home for a short period of time or a long journey
(Cant.) ceot1mun4gei3dak1maai5leoi5hang4bou2him2aa3
(Eng.) Do remember to purchase travel insurance when you go on a trip!
See also: 下班 出外 出街 回家 外出 大清早 急急忙忙 起牀 開夜車 開車 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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