
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ceot1 seng1
Character Meaning:
to go out; to come out; to issue; to publish; to produce; to grow; to appear; to offer; to give; to provide; to go beyond; to use; to bring out; to show
sound; voice
Part of Speech: verb
  • to make a noise
    (Cant.) nei5gaau2dou3ngo5hai2dei6tit3dou6siu3zo2ceot1seng1
    (Eng.) You made me laugh out loud on the MTR.
    (Cant.) jau5jan4haang4gan2gwo3lei4m4hou2ceot1seng1aa3
    (Eng.) Somebody's coming; don't make a noise.

  • to speak
    (Cant.) 粒聲唔出nap1 seng1 m4 ceot1
    (Eng.) (of a person) to be completely silent
    (Cant.) keoi5m4ceot1seng1sat6hai6身有屎san1 jau5 si2
    (Eng.) Since he doesn't say a word, he must be the one who did it.
    (Cant.) nei5ceot1siu2geoi3seng1dong3bong1mong4dak1m4dak1zek1
    (Eng.) Can you just shut up, please?

  • to speak out; often used to invite the interlocutor to express his/her thoughts or requests frankly
    (Cant.) nei5tou5ngo6zau6ceot1seng1laa1dang2ngo5ling1di1kuk1kei4beng2bei2nei5sik6
    (Eng.) Just give me a shout when you're hungry. I'll grab you some cookies.
    (Cant.) nei5dang2cin2使sai2zau6ceot1seng1laa1go4go1bong1dou2ge3waa2jat1ding6bong1
    (Eng.) Just come to me if you need cash. I [as your brother] will do my best to help.
    (Cant.) nei5tung3zau6ceot1seng1laa3wo3ngo5sai3lik6di1
    (Eng.) Just tell me if it hurts. I'll go softer then.

See also: 開口 出口 出言 道 出樣 反唇相譏 大大聲 好聲好氣 好言相勸 幫口 忍氣吞聲 收聲 開聲 默不作聲 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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