
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ceot1 jap6 hau2
Character Meaning:
to go out; to come out; to issue; to publish; to produce; to grow; to appear; to offer; to give; to provide; to go beyond; to use; to bring out; to show
to enter; to go into; to be admitted into; to join; to participate; to buy; to stock up on; to conform to; to agree with
mouth; opening; entrance; cut; hole; gash
Part of Speech: noun
  • exit and entrance; the way in and out of a room or space
    (Cant.) nei5zoeng1di1fo3deoi1saai3hai2ceot1jap6hau2dou6jan4dei6dim2ceot1jap6aa3
    (Eng.) You put the goods by the exit, how can the others come in and out?

  • export and import
    (Cant.) 出入口公司ceot1 jap6 hau2 gung1 si1
    (Eng.) import-export corporation
    (Cant.) keoi5gaan1gung1si1hai6zou6ceot1jap6hau2貿mau6jik6ge3
    (Eng.) His company is an import/export trading firm.

See also: 進出口 出口商 輸出 出口 人行道 停車場 十字路口 地鐵站 大站 巴士站 水泄不通 百貨商場 電車站 駁口 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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