
Entry #1
Pronunciation: dung1 zi3
Character Meaning:
winter; Winter Solstice
to; arrive; most; till; until; between; the most; not until; in order to
Part of Speech: noun
the winter solstice; it is an important traditional festival, where family members gather, have a meal and celebrate together. There is a saying that "Winter Solstice is more important than the New Year". (also see 做冬 zou6 dung1)
(Cant.) dung1zi3hai6mui5nin4ge3sap6ji6jyut6廿jaa6jat1waak6ze2廿jaa6ji6hou6
(Eng.) The winter solstice is on the 21st or 22nd of December.
See also: 中秋節 二十四節氣 夏至 朔望月 清明節 秋分 立冬 立春 端午節 重陽節 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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