
Entry #1
Pronunciation: mou5 cing4 gong2
Character Meaning:
don't have; do not; there is/are not; to not exist; to not be related; to not have; to not own; to not possess; no big deal; nothing important
affection; love; passion; feeling; condition; situation
to say; to talk; to tell; to speak; to emphasise
Part of Speech: expression
  • no clemency; not exempted for special considerations
    (Cant.) lyun6dam2laap6saap3fat6cin1ng5aa3po4dou1mou5cing4gong2
    (Eng.) $1500 fine for littering—no clemency even if you are an elderly woman!

  • no preferential treatment despite the close relationship
    (Cant.) keoi5loeng5go3zaang1saang1ji3hing1dai6dou1mou5cing4gong2
    (Eng.) They fight with each other for business opportunities as if they were not brothers.

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