
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bing1 hei3
Character Meaning:
soldier; army; troops
ware; utensil; article; organ
Part of Speech: noun
weapon; arms; armaments (measure word: 件)
(Cant.) jan4dei6gwan1deoi2jau5gam3do1bing1hei3cek3sau2hung1kyun4dim2daa2dak1dai1keoi5dei6wo3
(Eng.) Their soldiers have so many weapons, how could we defeat them when we're unarmed?
(Cant.) ni1pai1gu2bing1hei3hai6jung6cing1tung4zou6ge3
(Eng.) These ancient weapons were made of bronze.
(Cant.) zin2laam5jau5loek6loek2gaai3siu6gu2si4ge3sap6baat3bun1bing1hei3
(Eng.) The exhibition briefly introduces 18 arms of martial arts.
See also: 械 鐵 武器 上彈 軍火 軍備 捕鼠器 暗器 核子武器 武器 武士刀 漆器 神器 變壓器 鈍器 長矛 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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