
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tau1 bou6
Character Meaning:
to steal; to pilfer
step; stage; phase
Part of Speech: verb
  • to jump the gun; to start running before the start of a race

  • to do something before one is allowed to
    (Cant.) bun2syu1gam1jat6sin1zing3sik1ceot1bat1gwo3ngo5hai2syu1guk2daa2gung1so2ji5zi1cin4jat1maan5ji5ging1tau1bou6tai2zo2
    (Eng.) The book is supposed to be out today, but I work in a bookstore, so I 'jumped the gun' and read it on the previous night.

See also: 假公濟私 偷雞摸狗 先斬後奏 利益輸送 官商勾結 搶先一步 明知故犯 私相授受 草草了事 過橋抽板 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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