
Entry #1
Pronunciation: pin1 bong1
Character Meaning:
to incline to one side; to incline to; to lean towards; to be relatively; to be somewhat
to help; to assist; to support; for; for the sake of; group of people; gang; inspector
Part of Speech: verb
to show favouritism towards one of a group
(Cant.) siu2ming4gok3dak1lou5si1pin1bong1baan1zoeng2so2ji5tai2baan1zoeng2m4seon6ngaan5
(Eng.) Siu Ming thinks that the teacher favours the monitor, so he dislikes the monitor.
Synonym: Synonym: 袒護
See also: 以偏概全 偏私 偏袒 厚此薄彼 吹毛求疵 大細超 欺人太甚 欺善怕惡 袒護 雙重標準 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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