
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bou2 sik1
Character Meaning:
to protect; to defend; to guard; to maintain; to keep status quo; to guarantee; to keep; to preserve; to bail out
to release; to explain; to expound; to dispel an idea; to remove doubt; Buddhism
Part of Speech: verb
to bail out; to be released on bail
(Cant.) bei6gou3wok6zeon2ji5jin6gam1ng5cin1man1bou2sik1ngoi6ceot1
(Eng.) The defendant was released on bail of $5000.
See also: 上庭 保外就醫 候審 假釋 出庭 應訊 提堂 擔保 續保 還押 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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