
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gung1 jing3 soeng1
Character Meaning:
supply; offer; to confess; to give
should; respond; ought to; to answer; to respond; to act against; to echo; fully accurate; completely fit; exact
trade; quotient; Shang Dynasty; commerce; business; merchant; trader; to discuss
Part of Speech: noun
supplier (measure word: 間)
(Cant.) jau4jyu1ban2zat1him3gaai1ngo5dei6kyut3ding6gang3wun6gung1jing3soeng1
(Eng.) Because of poor quality, we decide to switch suppliers.
(Cant.) gung1jing3soeng1jing1sing4ji5gaau3dai1ge3gaa3gaak3tai4gung1fo3ban2
(Eng.) Our suppliers agreed to provide goods with lower prices.
See also: 飯商 保險公司 出口商 原材料 售後服務 客户端 廠商 承辦商 營運商 航空公司 製造商 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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