
Entry #1
Pronunciation: kei5
Part of Speech: verb
  • to stand; to stay upright
    (Cant.) daan1goek3kei5
    (Eng.) to stand with one leg
    (Cant.) 企鵝kei5 ngo2
    (Eng.) penguin
    (Cant.) kei5hei2san1
    (Eng.) stand up
    (Cant.) 企領kei5 leng5
    (Eng.) standing collar
    (Cant.) kei5gam3noi6hou2gui6gaa3
    (Eng.) It is very tiring to stand for that long.

  • to be from a standpoint
    (Cant.) kei5hai2dou6dak1gou1dei6
    (Eng.) to stand on the moral high ground
    (Cant.) nei5kei5bin1jat1bin1gaa3
    (Eng.) Where do you stand?

Synonym: Synonym:
See also: 豎立 站立
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: kei5
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • to hope; to wish; to look forward to
    (Cant.) 企望kei5 mong6
    (Eng.) to hope
    (Cant.) 企圖kei5 tou4
    (Eng.) to intend

  • enterprise
    (Cant.) 中小企zung1 siu2 kei5
    (Eng.) small and medium-sized enterprises; SMEs
    (Cant.) 國企gwok3 kei5
    (Eng.) national enterprise
    (Cant.) 社企se5 kei5
    (Eng.) social enterprise

See also: 欲 祝願 但願 期望 祈 指望 期待 盼望 憧憬 嚮往 實業 企業 進取
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License