
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ji5 wai4 jyu5 wai4
Character Meaning:
based on; take...as...; with; by means of; to take ... (as); to use; to regard ... as; according to; with reference to
to act as; to be; in order to; to become; for; for the sake of; for the purpose of; because of; to do; to practice; to act
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: verb
mistakenly believe; wrongly assume; thought
(Cant.) ngo5ji5wai4gam1jat6wui5lok6jyu5tim1dim2zi1mou5
(Eng.) I thought it would rain today, but in the end it didn't.
See also: 心思 分數 感想 所見 思維 詐糊 錯手 一廂情願 一笑置之 以為 原來 只不過 妄想 想入非非 殊不知 痴心妄想 自我感覺良好 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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