
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jan4 sing3
Character Meaning:
human; human being; person; people; personality; everybody; (some) people; others; somebody; body of a person
sex; sex((male or Female); -ity((visibility,possibility,vitality,etc.)); -ity; gender; property; nature; quality; sexual activity; human nature; character; conscience
Part of Speech: noun
  • human nature
    (Cant.) jan4sing3dong1zung1zung2wui5jau5joek6dim2
    (Eng.) There are always weakness in human nature.

  • humanity
    (Cant.) nei5ging2jin4gin3sei2bat1gau3nei5mou5jan4sing3gaa3
    (Eng.) You saw that she was in mortal danger but you did nothing to save her? You have no humanity!

See also: 天性 仁愛 人肉 人道 人道 人格 劣根性 同理心 品性 本性 本質 獸性 道德 道德感 野性 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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