
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gau2 beng6 sing4 ji1
Character Meaning:
long time; for a long time
illness; disease; to be ill; to be sick
to accomplish; 10%; one tenth; to succeed; to finish; to complete; whole; all; entire
doctor; to cure; to treat; to repair
Part of Speech: expression
to become familiar with medicine due to one's prolonged illness
(Cant.) keoi5zou6joek6bou1zou6zo2sap6nin4jau5do1joek6sing3fu3zok3jung6zi1dak1jat1cing1ji6co2ji5ging1gau2beng6sing4ji1
(Eng.) Relying on medicine for his illness for more than ten years, he has become familiar with the nature and side effects of the medicine.
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