
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bat1 zi6
Character Meaning:
no; negator; not
to punish; to constraint; to cure; to heal; to treat; to wipe out; to administer; to rule; good rule; to study; to research
Part of Speech: verb
  • to be incurable
    (Cant.) 不治之症bat1 zi6 zi1 zing3
    (Eng.) incurable illness

  • to have died (due to illness or injury)
    (Cant.) soeng1cung5bat1zi6
    (Eng.) to die of severe injuries
    (Cant.) soeng1ze2ji5ging1bat1zi6san1mong4
    (Eng.) The victim already passed away.
    (Cant.) keoi5bei6sung3jyun2hau6zing3sat6bat1zi6
    (Eng.) Upon arrival at the hospital she was certified dead.

See also: 無可救藥 招 致 招惹 不支倒地 不省人事 傷重 失救 心臟病發 敗血病 自縊 與世長辭 英年早逝 身亡 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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