
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bat1 zi1
Character Meaning:
no; negator; not
(measure); to support; to sustain; to control; to dominate; (of money) to pay; to withdraw; branch; offshoot
Part of Speech: verb
(of physical strength) to be unable to endure; to be exhausted
(Cant.) bat1zi1dou2dei6
(Eng.) to fall down due to exhaustion
(Cant.) hou2do1maa5laai1cung4ge3caam1gaa1ze2dou1jan1wai6tai2lik6bat1zi1ji4bei6sung3jyun2
(Eng.) Many participants in the marathon are sent to the hospital due to exhaustion.
See also: 不悦 不打自招 不為所動 不甘示弱 不痛不癢 不省人事 不瞅不睬 不知所終 不請自來 不識抬舉 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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