「下面 / 下便」

Entry #1
  • 下面 haa6 min6
  • 下便 haa6 bin6
Character Meaning:
down; time (e.g. one time, two times); below
surface; side; aspect; face; appearance; used for medals; face: respect; prestige; reputation; honour; plane; area; (of geometry) face; cover; range; scale; scope
Part of Speech: noun
  • below; under
    (Cant.) zoeng1cong4haa6min6jau5hou2do1laap6saap3
    (Eng.) There is a lot of rubbish under the bed.
    (Cant.) haa6min6go2hong4se2dak1cing1cing1co2co2ci4zik1jiu3tai4zou2jat1go3jyut6tung1zi1
    (Eng.) It is stated clearly below that one-month notice is needed for resignation.
    (Cant.) zek3caang2luk1zo2heoi3zoeng1dang3haa6便bin6
    (Eng.) The orange rolled to a stop under the chair.

  • subordinates in a company or organisation
    (Cant.) gam1ci3dung3san1haa6min6hou2m4to5
    (Eng.) The staff are very unhappy with this round of salary freeze.

  • euphemism for the genitals
    (Cant.) ngo5haa6min6jau5di1tung3aa3
    (Eng.) It hurts a bit down there (=my genital).

Synonym: Synonym: 下低
Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 上便 上面 上高
See also: 底下 下低 對落 之下 上邊 上面 下邊 凸點 出面 左手邊 底面 後面 斜面 正中間 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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