
Entry #1
Pronunciation: soeng6 jau4
Character Meaning:
go up; top; to go up; to move upwards; to board; to get on a vehicle; to go ahead; to forge ahead; to fill; to supply; to serve a dish; to install; to attend class; to wind; to screw; to tighten; on top of
to swim; part of a river; rank
Part of Speech: noun
  • upper stream of a river
    (Cant.) soeng6jau4ge3seoi2lau4hou2gap1
    (Eng.) Upperstream water is fast.
    (Cant.) wong4ho4ge3soeng6jau4hai2noi6mung4gu2jap6min6
    (Eng.) The upper stream of the Yellow River is in the Inner Mongolia.

  • advanced position; upper hand
    (Cant.) 力爭上游lik6 zang1 soeng6 jau4
    (Eng.) to strive for the best

Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 下游
See also: 下游 中游 亞馬遜河 出海口 密西西比河 東便 河涌 泥菩薩過江 護城河 青藏高原 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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