
Entry #1
Pronunciation: soeng5 sau2
Character Meaning:
go up; top; to go up; to move upwards; to board; to get on a vehicle; to go ahead; to forge ahead; to fill; to supply; to serve a dish; to install; to attend class; to wind; to screw; to tighten; on top of
hand; forelimb; lot
Part of Speech: verb
to be on the uptake; to learn the know-how; to pick up a skill
(Cant.) keoi5soeng5sau2bei2gaau3maan6so2ji5nei5ho2nang4jiu3cung4fuk1gong2do1gei2ci3
(Eng.) She's a bit slow on the uptake, so you may have to repeat yourself a few times.
(Cant.) keoi5hou2cung1ming4zou6can1je5dou1hou2faai3soeng5sau2
(Eng.) She's pretty clever; when she does something, she picks it up very fast.
See also: 三隻手 上鍊 得心應手 手寫板 手鬆 散手 燙手 生手 開叉 頂手 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2020 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: soeng6 sau2
Character Meaning:
go up; top; to go up; to move upwards; to board; to get on a vehicle; to go ahead; to forge ahead; to fill; to supply; to serve a dish; to install; to attend class; to wind; to screw; to tighten; on top of
hand; forelimb; lot
Part of Speech: noun
previous owner or person in charge
(Cant.) soeng6sau2jip6zyu2hai2gaan1uk1dou6hei2zo2go3cim5gin3uk1sim4
(Eng.) The previous owner built illegal eaves on the house.
(Cant.) tiu4LANleng1sin3hai6ngo5soeng6sau2lau4dai1ge3
(Eng.) The LAN cable was left by the previous resident of my room.
See also: 三隻手 上鍊 得心應手 手寫板 手鬆 散手 燙手 生手 開叉 頂手 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2020 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License