
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jat1 cai4
Character Meaning:
one; as soon as; once
neat; together; tidy; even; complete; comprehensive
Part of Speech: adverb
  • together; with another person or other people
    (Cant.) jat1cai4maai5haai4
    (Eng.) to buy shoes together
    (Cant.) ngo5tung4uk1kei2jan4jat1cai4zyu6
    (Eng.) I live with my family.

  • together; doing more than one thing simultaneously
    (Cant.) lam4di1si6jau4jat1cai4sik6zung6je5mei6aa3
    (Eng.) It tastes even better with soy sauce.

Synonym: Synonym: 一同 一起
See also: 一道 一塊 共 一致 一同 一條心 同心合力 同生共死 同聲同氣 無啦啦 群埋 跟住 輪住 齊上齊落 齊齊 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: jat1 cai4
Character Meaning:
one; as soon as; once
neat; together; tidy; even; complete; comprehensive
Part of Speech: verb
to start a relationship
(Cant.) keoi5loeng5go3jat1cai4zo2hou2noi6laa1m4hai6m4zi1haa6waa5
(Eng.) They've been together for a long time. Don't tell me you know nothing about them.
(Cant.) ngo5hou2soeng2tung4keoi5hai2maai4jat1cai4
(Eng.) I want to be in a relationship with him/her.
See also: 一條心 同心合力 同生共死 同聲同氣 無啦啦 群埋 跟住 輪住 齊上齊落 齊齊 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License