
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jat1 ziu1 jat1 zik6
Character Meaning:
one; as soon as; once
morning; dynasty; reign
one; as soon as; once
sundown; sunset; night; evening; eve
Part of Speech: noun
an instant; a short period of time (usually used in negations); literally "one morning and one evening"
(Cant.) sing4gung1m4hai6jat1ziu1jat1zik6ge3si6
(Eng.) You won't succeed in just a day.; Rome is not built in one day.
(Cant.) ni1di1zik1bai6m4hai6jat1ziu1jat1zik6ho2ji5gaai2kyut3dou2gaa3
(Eng.) These maladies cannot be remedied in a short period of time.
See also: 一剎那 一時三刻 一會 一排 即時
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