
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jat1 hau2 hei3
Character Meaning:
one; as soon as; once
mouth; opening; entrance; cut; hole; gash
air; to get angry; to be enraged; electricity; electronic signal; gas; spirit; morale; breath
Part of Speech: adverb
in one breath; without a break; at one stretch
(Cant.) keoi5jat1hau2hei3paau2zo2ng5cin1mai5
(Eng.) He ran 5000 metres at a stretch.
(Cant.) ngo5loeng5maan5mou5fan3jat1hau2hei3tai2saai3ni1tou3siu2syut3
(Eng.) I finished this book within two nights without a break.
See also: 一條氣 一下子 一口價 一哄而散 一溜煙 一鼓作氣 口氣 好不容易 如釋重負 心滿意足 爭口氣 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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