
Radical Search
sing6 / sing6 (pron.) used to indicate a further series of events or states not specified, "and so on", "et...
m2 (expr.) used to indicate uncertainty (non-clarity or strangeness); what
tau3 (adj.) (of fabrics) transparent; light; diaphanous
tiu1 (v.) to pick something out with a needle-like instrument
suk6 (adj.) cooked; well-done
zai3 (n.) a button; a switch
caak3 (adj.) having poor or unclear sound quality; (of a voice) raspy or hoarse; (of a sound system) fuzzy or dis...
中醫zung1 ji1 (n.) Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner; Chinese Medicine practitioner
dok6 (v.) to measure
maai4 (v.) to bury something with sand or soil; to dispose of underground
堆填deoi1 tin4 (v.) to landfill
dou6 / dou6 (n.) place; spot; boundaries; sphere of an activity or a state
gam2 / gam2 (pron.) this; in this manner; in this way
dai2 (n.) bottom; base
bou1 (v.) to boil; to slowly cook liquid for a long time; a type of Chinese cooking method
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