「奀咕咕 / un goo goo」

Entry #1
  • 奀咕咕 an1 gu4 gu4 , ang1 gu4 gu4
  • un goo goo an1 gu4 gu4 , ang1 gu4 gu4
Character Meaning:
thin and unhealthy; tiny; little; puny; negligible
Part of Speech: expression
Labels: Recent Jargon
"goo goo ga ga", i.e. baby talk, also used by adults when interacting with babies, and by young people to cheer each other up, something close to "There, there" in English; it is sometimes abbreviated as "UGG"
(Cant.) an1gu4gu4m4hou2m4hoi1sam1laa1
(Eng.) There, there. Cheer up, my friend.
(Cant.) keoi5zing2can1goek3heoi3m4dou2bei2coi3faai3di1heoi3an1gu4gu4keoi5laa1
(Eng.) She can't take part in the competition because she hurt her leg. Why don't you go see if you can cheer her up?
(Cant.) ngo5hou2m4hoi1sam1ngo5soeng2jan4an1gu4gu4
(Eng.) I'm so upset. Someone come cheer me up.
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